Brittons Quickmove is a trading name of Britton & Hills LTD (company no. 08162432) accepts no liability for the content of this website and any liability can be excluded by law.
The investor introduced by Brittons Quickmove will always complete in a timescale to suit you but accepts no liability if a completion date cannot be met or if a purchase does not take place for whatever reason.
Whilst our investors make every effort to complete in a reasonable and quick timescale, there are sometimes circumstances that might affect the actual completion date, and in extreme circumstances their ability to purchase. Their initial offer is provisional and will only be confirmed once we are in receipt of a survey, and the searches and contracts are deemed satisfactory by our legal team. Other factors may affect their decision to purchase, or affect the price that is eventually agreed. Over recent years financial turbulence and market forces from both inside the UK, Europe and the rest of the world have caused extreme price fluctuations in the UK property market. Property law is such that until exchange of contracts takes place with the legal representatives the transaction is not legally binding. Prior to a legal exchange of contracts the investor can rescind the agreement at any time if they have any knowledge or are advised that the property is not as initially described and/or anything comes to light that may have affected its value. Alternatively, the purchase price may be renegotiated by mutual consent. In the event they rescind the agreement then all legal aborted costs, disbursements and survey fees in the transaction will not be met by us. We strongly advise not to commit to any expenditure or completion dates until legal exchange has taken place.